Call to Duty: Vote Legacy Control

Some exciting news in the world of webcomics...

Javis Ray's Legacy Control (featured here previously with Unicorn Soup), is now an official candidate for inclusion in Kotaku's Sunday Comics feature.

This is a huge breakthrough for the strip, which has been in obscure indie territory for too long. With your help, we can finally get it some much-deserved recognition.

Even if you don't read it (which is a shame, you really should), please take five seconds of your day to click some buttons and help Javis out. Wrecklaimer and I have a vested interest in seeing the strip succeed, and we're really pulling for Javis to make the big time.

Please show your support at Kotaku's voting page. And stop by Legacy Control for a thrice-weekly dose of funny bone dry humping. Oh, and Javis and the family are ill right now, so think of this as a charity event. No, we have no shame, but thanks for asking!

And for all you Battlefield 3 Beta "fans", I'll just leave this here...


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