The Power of the 4th

Go ahead, stuff yourselves with fried/grilled food and watch explosions in the sky. You've earned it, America. Pimpin' democracy ain't easy, but you've been doing it for over 200 years.

But now's not the time to get complacent. Two wars, an oil spill, and a festering recession are nothing to sneeze at. Remember that future celebrations of our nation's birthday are predicated on how well you deal with current crises. If we fail, there won't be a USA to celebrate.

Don't go down like a punk, America! Your citizens are angry, obstinate, and full of energy. The trick is harnessing those qualities into building and improving the nation. Bitch all you want about how bad are government is, but remember this: you have the power to change it. Remember how we kicked the most powerful nation in the world off the continent? Remember how much we resented a government that didn't represent us and serve our interests?

Keep all that in mind as you enjoy the 4th of July, America. After you're done partying, there's a lot of work to be done. It ain't easy being Number 1. You've got to earn it.

One last thing before I step off the soapbox: a true patriot isn't some bozo wearing red, white, and blue who professes his love of America. A true patriot loves America in spite of its faults and does his damndest to change them.


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